Commission a Painting

I am often inspired by the creativity of my clients and what they ask me to create for them. One of my latest commissions was for MAC Presents, an agency in Manhattan.…

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76 Trombones & Trouble

The ups and downs of the city’s recovery will jerk you around from incredible highs to nerve fraying lows that will at times have you swearing to leave the city.…

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Ethan Hawke Writes Books

I traveled to Brooklyn last night. Zoe Kazan was interviewing Ethan Hawke at St. Ann’s church ⛪️ about his new book and as a card carrying Gen Xer, I had…

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World Menopause Day 2021

Whenever I meet my friend Frances for coffee , I know I’ll always leave feeling better than when I arrived. Frances and I are both members of the Manhattan Magnolias…

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Bad Habit, Big City

I was born and raised in the south. This New Yorker of 21 years still gets asked where she's from every single day. My southern accent is like a fog…

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Martini of Motivation

There is an intoxicating romance surrounding an artist's inspiration. Artists rarely reveal their secret recipes for success. I am not sure if the following rant is a recipe for success,…

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